Gideon │The Strength of Faith Series │Part Two │ God Strengthens Faith │ Judges 6:19-27 │ Christ Assembly

Christ Assembly

Gideon:  The Strength of Faith 

Part Two: God Strengthens Faith

Judges 6:19-27

In this Expository Bible Study, we will learn great lessons from the Word of God, the Bible. If you feel the oppression of drugs, addictions, abusive relationships, or other problems that dominate your life, learn from Gideon how God can deliver you from overwhelming troubles in your life. Gideon learned about the strength of faith and how it changed his life forever. In order to understand this study from the Word of God, you must be born again. Click the eternal life button to learn more about receiving the free gift of eternal life. Eternal Life

Judges 6:19-27, God Strengthens Faith

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